Student fakes own kidnapping on Zoom class. Rapper admits to fraud in his rap video, gets arrested.

High school student faked his own kidnapping at gun point during Zoom class. Rapper arrested after bragging about unemployment fraud in his music video. Parents name their baby after internet provider for 18 years of free WiFi. //

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Student fakes own kidnapping on Zoom class. Rapper admits to fraud in his rap video, gets arrested.

A high school student faked his own kidnapping during a zoom class.

A prank allegedly committed by a high school student during a zoom class prompted school officials at Orchard Highschool in Gaithersburg Maryland to call the police. The student had his camera turned off at the beginning of the class. But when the student turned on the camera, his teacher was shocked to see another individual in a ski mask holding what appeared to be a gun. Oh boy, you brought a gun into the prank. This is this is very over the top this prank a little too much. I would say there’s no screen shot. Of. The. Guy In the ski masks. So I don’t know what we’re dealing with you. Is it someone in a ski mask holding the gun to the students head? It doesn’t say that it just says. The camera was turned on. Some of the ski mask has a gun. And by the way, I’m not familiar with how the zoom classes work in the other students also see the video. Or only is it only the teacher that can see this? Regardless the teacher immediately removed the student from the online class. And contacted school administrators officials called the police who rushed over to the students home right away. The police were able to determine that the student was in fact safe. The student. said that the mask the man was a friend he invited over and that the weapon he was wielding was not a real gun but an air soft rifle. This is just So Dumb I love a good prank with this is just The principal of the school no doubt had a heart attack and then was quoted as saying. We appreciate the swift action of our teacher for reporting this incident. I, mean of Co. What do you expect a teacher to do principal? Elizabeth. Thomas. I. Mean The least the teacher can do is report the incident. we were able to contact the family in the Montgomery County Police Department to conduct a welfare check and you know we’re very pleased. Officials. Did Not indicate if the unidentified student was actually punished for this serious prank. In. A letter the principal told parents that this incident serves as a reminder about the importance of speaking to your child about appropriate behavior while engaged in virtual learning. And yes that’s absolutely true. But I’d imagine a lot of these parents they really can’t be around in monitoring what’s going on in these zoom classroom situations. Parents. Have have chores they have to work. I can everybody stay home with their kids. They’re doing their online classes and learning from home I. Don’t know if that’s possible. It’s it’s a tricky situation something a lot of us are dealing with in this new. Environment that this pandemic schooling that we’re dealing with. An also, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re always gonNA have pranksters I was a prankster in school as you can probably imagine. And you know my parents very. Found out about it because it only happened at school and sometimes I would be caught and sometimes I wouldn’t. And now that this is happening at home, you’re GonNa get pranksters now doing it. In the home schooling environment. What does that mean a lot of times it’s going to be zoom related it’s going to be technologically related. A close friend of mine is eight teacher and she’s been doing on zoom and she’s told me there have been numerous occasions where students will. Prank the class. Somehow. They will. Insert. The sound effects of a porn or some such thing. So, this is what you have to deal with. Now, this student clearly went way over the top I wouldn’t go with the kidnapping in the gun. That’s just that’s just may I draw the line at the gun? There are GonNa, be students that do this. Welcome to the Zun classroom twenty twenty guys.

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A rapper has been arrested after bragging about unemployment fraud in a music video.

Los Angeles Rapper. Nuke Gisele has been arrested on federal charges of stealing jobless benefits weeks after he released a song boasting about getting wealthy by doing this very same scheme. Unemployment Insurance? Fraud. Font Trail Antonio Baynes the thirty one year old rapper known as Nuke fizzle was arrested in Vegas and charged with access device fraud aggravated identity theft, and interstate transportation of stolen property.

That’s a lot of stuff going on him. Federal Prosecutors said that Baynes Aka Nuke Gisele a memphis residing in Hollywood hills fraudulently applied for more than one point two, million in jobless benefits including. Using stolen identities to do so according to the Warrant Affidavit, Baynes, Aka fizzle boasted of his ability to defraud the California Employment Development Department in his music video that was recently released. The song is titled. Ed. In this Music Video Nuke Basil Brags about doing quote my swagger for e. d. d., and then he holds up a stack of envelopes from edd revealing his plan just to quote, go to the bank with a stack of these presumably reference to the prepaid debit cards that come in the mail for Ed. Here’s another quote from new fizzle I just got rich off E. D. A. Just woke up to three hundred gs a second rapper in the video chimes in you gotTa. So cocaine I just file a claim We’ll in defensive that second rapper it’s a lot better to just file a claim that sell cocaine. You know because eventually you sell that cocaine to kids and that’s not a good thing a lot of rappers out there bragging about slowing in rocks back in the day to make it and you know a lot of those rocks destroyed lives. So they make a good point. Hey at least he’s not selling cocaine just filing a claim. One could argue this is a victimless crime, right? Certainly nonviolent. Baynes Aka Nuke missile is accused of exploiting the pandemic unemployment assistance provisions of the Cares Act, which is designed to expand access to unemployment benefits to the self employed and GIG workers. Here’s the problem with this pandemic unemployment assistance in all of the stuff that falls under that umbrella is that you can clearly easily fraud these people I mean I did the story about that guy in Florida that bought a boat with the you know the unemployment loan there the p alone I mean there has been so many instances. Of these programs just getting fleeced. By. scammers. It’s apparently it’s so easy. There was an article in wired in May about Nigerian fraudsters ripping off the unemployment system here in the US for upwards of two hundred, million dollars I mean that’s just ridiculous. This is how dumb my government is that even they get completely food by Nigerian scams like one hundred and nine year old grandparents or something. Ridiculous. It’s so easy of course, new fizzle of course. Here’s some details about what new. Evidence gathered during his investigation established that at least ninety, two of these debit cards that had been preloaded with more than one point two million in fraudulently obtained benefits were mailed to addresses in. California. Baynes Aka, Nuke Gisele, and his conspiracy conspirators allegedly access more than seven hundred K. of these benefits through cash withdrawals including in Las Vegas, as well as purchases of merchandise and services. When Baines it nuke Gisele, was arrested. He possessed eight add debit cards seven of which were in the names of other persons. And if convicted new visible face, a maximum sentence of twenty two years in federal. Prison? What do you expect from a guy named Luke? Basil I mean really you know, oh, dirty bastard it was known. That although he was wealthy was still somehow. Collecting Welfare or food stamps or something I mean everybody knows that. You can’t expect much more from someone named Nuke Gisele. but this dummy goes and makes it music video about it, which is absolutely hilarious to play a piece of it because it’s so bad it’s great. because. Of Copyright claims and whatnot. I mean. It’s one thing to just rap about doing it like. In as a piece of a song, this whole song is about scamming. They show him on a laptop doing it in the video they show the envelopes I be. It’s just it’s all right there. You gotta be really dumb to. Put this out there like clearly you just got to play this video in court and he’s done twenty two years bye-bye Nuke Gisele. I I’m listening to the song I wanted to write down some of the lyrics for you but I honestly, I cannot understand what he’s saying getting old I just can’t understand what these young rappers are saying I mean he’s got a mouthful a gold and just doesn’t articulate.

This just seems to be the norm for new wrap it seems to me and I I WANNA I wanna try to glean something from nuke bills music here but I just I can’t. There’s a shot up to trump in there. That’s about all I can understand from this idiot. I implore you. Watch the video you don’t have to listen to the lyrics just watch it. It’s mind-blowing. Flowing?

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A couple have named their baby after an Internet provider in exchange for eighteen years of free Wifi.

Yes. The couple have named their newborn. After an Internet provider because they’ve really wanted some free. Wifi. The girl has been called Twi- Fia T. W. I. F. A. but her parents age thirty and thirty five have chosen to remain anonymous. Of course, because you guys are idiots and this is a form of child abuse to name your child after an Internet provider you idiots. Swiss. Internet provider twitter FIA or twisty has been advertising this offer on its website stating that parents who named their little ones twinsies or tweet via will surf the web free of charge until their offspring becomes an adult. It says right on the website. Simply, upload a photo of your child’s civil birth certificate. Verification twisty will give you eighteen years of free Internet. I may be pronouncing that wrong it might be twi fi i. don’t know I don’t know this company. This is a Swiss Internet provider. The media reported that the parents who have used it as the girls second middle name say they will put the money they would otherwise have spent on Wifi into a savings account for their daughter. Oh. That’s good because you’re going to need to spend a lot of money on the therapy that you’re gonNA have to provide for your daughter because of all the abuse that your daughter will have at school for being named after an Internet provider because she is stupid parents. So that’s good that you’re putting aside some money for that. Here’s a quote from the Moron father. The longer I thought about it the more unique the name became for me, and that was when the thing got. It’s charm. Although his wife admits to being hesitant at first, she said. For me, the name tweet via also stands for connection in this context for an eternal bond. I. Like it. There are much worse names and the more often we say tweet via the heartier the name sounds. I don’t know what kind of accent that was I was just trying to give you guys some variety. It’s not really Swiss I don’t even know. the couple of put the name on their daughters birth certificate behind two other first names but a, but they say they have been left torn over the decision. We want to remain anonymous to those around us because we don’t want to justify ourselves because the accusation of having sold our child’s name hits very hard. We also a little bit ashamed. You should be a little bit of a shame. Definitely, are sucking the teat of corporate. Life. On the ultimate level by basically making your newborn billboard for some company. This is just ridiculous. I. Know Life is hard I know bills are difficult to to grapple with right now we’re all struggling financially but. You know have some integrity okay. Don’t name your child best buy or Costco. As hilarious says it is. To name your child nerd ropes just don’t do it. All right. Jones, that’s the second time you’ve referenced nerd ropes on this podcast I. Know I know because nerd ropes have a special place in my heart anybody else you know it’s not always easy to tell who’s going to be crappy parent or not. But one of the ways you can see right through this bullshit is to just look at the birth certificates that are floating around out there, and you can tell right away if they’ve named their child. I don’t know a big bird or adolf or snickers or something like that. I mean you know right away you’re dealing with some people that are just inappropriate completely inappropriate and the child is going to have some some struggles. It’s going to be a lot of therapy in this child’s future. It’s going to be a lot of razzing in hazing going on. I just feel terrible for these children and I don’t know what to do about it but you know you got any ideas call the show six, four, six, four, five, zero, twenty, twelve if any of you been a victim of idiotic Parental Decisions such as your name. I’d love to hear it. and. Lastly, what I’ll say about this is this Internet. Or wifi better be fast as shit. Download speeds that are just mindblowing.

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